Tag Archives: Dreams

Vancouver RE Invades A Citizen’s Dreams – “…and then I woke up!”

“Home.. is where I want to be. But I guess I’m already there”
‘This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)’, Talking Heads, 1983

“I just woke from a nightmare. In it, I had a speckerfriend (a real person), come over yelling at me if I want to help make 12 million bucks. I said how? He replied building a mansion in Whistler. I face palmed and said haven’t you seen vancouverpricedrop? He’d never heard of it, I told him he would be lucky to get 8 mill in this market. A desperate look came over him, I asked how much to break even? He said 3 million, I told him I would think about it …and then I woke up !”
Loon at VCI 15 Aug 2012 7:34am

“We’re staying in Vancouver because we’ve got 3 sets of grandparents for the kids nearby, and neither my husband or I has much interest in BC outside of Vancouver proper. But my subconscious has something else to say: twice this past week, I’ve dreamed of the relief of packing up and moving to Toronto or Montreal.”
Absinthe at VREAA 15 Feb 2011 12:39pm

Misallocation of resources.
We’d be better off dreaming about flying and exploring jungles and sex and surfing and traveling and all sorts of other stuff.
As we all already know, RE has invaded our collective psyche.
It’s part of living through a massive spec mania in housing.
Any other home/RE dream*/nightmare* stories out there?
(*The kind that happen while you’re asleep).
– vreaa

“Bolus Of Hope” [‘Vancouver RE-Verse’; Found Poem]

For those who have experienced
a failed startup,
each week it’s like watching
a perpetual photocopy of reality,
all in the name of perseverance
and “stick-to-it-edness”,
aided by a bolus of hope.

How many homeowners have awoken
covered in sweat at 4am
and realised,
as clear as day,
they are beyond any hope of recouping their investments.
That’s a sobering moment, and,
perhaps in a fit of irony,
is more often than not elicited
in a dream-like state.

– jesse, at VREAA 17 Nov 2011

A post in the very, very occasional ‘Vancouver RE-Verse’ [Found Poems] series.
Poems are completely unedited but for layout.
Prior examples here.